
An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Donald Trump,

It seems like the whole country has been wondering the same thing for the past month of your presidency: How did the racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, republican man with no experience manage to win the presidential election? Since the inauguration; which has been deemed the worst inauguration in history, people have been exhibiting a strong fear, worry, and sense of impending destruction.

We have become the nation without hope and the country that is going to fail, all because of a man who got bored. My letter may be biased because I am a black female who is an ally of the LGBTQ community so I kind of know what it feels like to be human and to be disregarded and treated as if we don’t exist. How can someone want to make America great again by turning back the clock?

What about America was so great? Colored people were enslaved then segregated, white people were superior despite actually being the minority, and women legally were considered their husband’s property. Was it the fact that colored people couldn’t get jobs, or that women were only allowed certain jobs, or that LGBTQ members had to hide and were not legally allowed to marry the love of their lives until 2015?

A month in and we are in the process of building a wall to keep immigrants out of the United States because Trump thinks that immigrants come from Mexico. Honestly a ton of illegal immigrants come from overstaying their visit or lying on their Visa. We’re spending money on a wall where there is a water crisis in Flint, Michigan and people have no clean water to drink. How can we claim American and have a Statue of Liberty that shows the way to freedom but have a ban on Muslims.

It’s confusing how Donald J. Trump is a New Yorker, born and raised, and has so many issues with different cultures and kind. New York City is a melting pot, no official language, towns and sections such as little Italy and Chinatown that embraces people’s cultures and diversity. Yet our president is so ignorant and close minded that he’s willing to remove the diversity and multiculturalism that makes America as welcoming as it is. As a president he has already caused plenty of issues within different communities.

People don’t feel welcome or safe in their lives. The Klu Klux Klan feels more welcome to engage in their activities more proudly and publicly, there are people with similar racist mindsets who feel comfortable enough to express their terrifying thoughts, or conducts horrific actions because our president is a reflection of their beliefs.

This is the man that is going to “fix” our country? This is the person that is going to restore America and make us “great again”? As a nation we are scared and hopeless and are doubtful and expecting the worst. If someone like that can run the country what exactly is going to happen next? What will the next four years look like? Is there even a future to look forward to? While the answer to many of these questions cannot be solved by anyone other than President Donald Trump himself, we have to remember that love will get us through it all. So have a wonderful presidency Donald Trump… we will survive!



A Concerned American
