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My Experience With Meitu, The Anime Photo Editor

Meitu is a Chinese photo editing app that has taken the U.S. by storm. This app not only allows it’s participants to do simple photo editing task but also turns your selfie into an anime character.

Released March of 2013, Meitu has gained popularity over the last couple of weeks and people are going crazy over the idea of being “Meitu-fy.” The free app offers its audience the experience of perfecting their selfies with their plastic surgery-like effect, among other cool effects. And once I saw a photo of anime Donald Trump,I knew that I had to give this app a try.

I downloaded Meitu on my iPhone and uploaded a photo to toy around with. I was quickly able to figure out how to anime myself and after chuckling for a few seconds I attempted to figure out how to perfect my picture. Which was an epic fail. With all these functions at my fingers tips I found this app to be overwhelming. There are so many filters and effects and random buttons that I have yet to figure out, and quite frankly I became annoyed at said app.

I’m not a techy-person, I own an iPhone and an iPad and I can work those two devices just fine, but I am far from being a computer genius. That being said, I found this app to not be very user friendly. I like my photo editing apps to be simple, like VSCO Cam, that app I can work without any difficulties. You just upload a photo, pick the filter you want, adjust the percentage, and wa-la, your done. It’s so much simpler than Meitu. But VSCO cam doesn’t offer an anime effect which I must admit is a lot of fun to play with.

Overall, I think Meitu is a cool photo editing app and it’s a lot of fun to play with but I would not use this complicated app for simple task such as adjusting the exposure or cropping a photo. Nevertheless, I think I’m gonna leave the app on my phone for when my Instagram page needs a break from my usual selfies and give it an animated twist.
