
The Rise on Comedy Pages on Social Media

When you’re on Facebook and Instagram you can find anything to brighten up your day. A funny post from your friends, a hilarious meme, but most importantly a funny comedy video. I mean I don’t know how many times I’ve been scrolling down my news feed and seen such hilarious videos that literally have me in tears.

It used to be only one or two pages that you could go to, to find short comedy skits and videos but now you literally have hundreds of choices. I mean every time I go on Facebook or Instagram I find a new funny video and a new comedy page to follow. In the 2017 year alone I’ve come across seven new comedy pages on social media in addition to the other 20 I faithfully watch. And that doesn’t even include the comedy pages I visit occasionally.

So, what is up with the rise of comedy pages? On Facebook and Instagram, it seems like in this new age more and more people are looking to make a name for themselves and many are quite successful, might I add. Some have even expanded their fan bases to YouTube and other larger video outlets because they have so many followers and now the demand for longer videos are higher.

Some of these very people if they haven’t already done so, could end up on television shows, featuring in other popular videos or doing standup. I think the rise of these comedy pages speak to the talent that this generation has, and how young people are inspiring other young people to do what they are best at and make a fortune out of it. Most of the comedy pages I see are males, because comedy is usually a male dominated industry but the female comedy pages are rising as well and can easily hold their own against the men. The variety on these comedy pages however is something that is hard to come by, which is why only a select 15-20 of these pages blow up with the fan base that they do.

It is nice to be inspired by people, but sometimes we have to be careful with inspiration and imitation because they are two different things. You can be inspired by someone but it doesn’t mean you need to copy them or imitate their style to get a fan base. The 2017 year is still in its infancy but it is clear that a lot of new entertainment will continue to surface. I have my usual comedy pages to visit, but I look forward to seeing many more and having lots of laughs in this new year.


Pages to visit:

@reysosilly, @kaprifernandez, @Callhimrenny, @Khadidon, @Lalasizehand,  @Jesshilarious,

@Blameitonkway, @Downgoesfraiser, @Actionjaxon, @Shiggyshow, @Reggiecouz,   @Woodythegreat ,@Ronsumo, @therealkingbo , @theyungpoppy, @notkarltonbanks, @Jasmineluv, @meechonmars, @marvglover, @eastside_ivo, @mr_im_soo_flyy
