President Calvin O. Butts III sent out an email to faculty and staff at SUNY Old Westbury stating that all non-essential employees of the College are to continue to work from home and not report to campus until May 15, unless otherwise directed by your supervisor. No accruals should be charged for this time. Those who are essential to campus operations continue to be those who have been deemed so since the Governor’s original order in mid-March. I would also remind all that the Office of the Governor’s guidance on this matter enables the College to change an employee’s designation as essential or non-essential as the operational needs of the organization shift. Others who are deemed essential to the ongoing operational needs of the college and/or its response to the COVID-19 situation will be informed by their supervisors directly as to their need to report when and if such a need arises.
On March 10th, President Calvin O. Butts III made an announcement that face to face classes will no longer be held at SUNY OW for the remainder of the semester. Then on March 11th, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that SUNY and CUNY colleges will be using distance learning, moving classes online.
Dr. Butts announced that spring break would be extended an extra week, ending on March 27th. The announcement also advised students living on campus to return home with stating, “Residential students are strongly encouraged to vacate their rooms by 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, and make plans to complete the semester from home or another off-campus location.” Accommodations on campus were made for students with special situations, such as students who are not able to return to safe living conditions, and no further applications are being accepted at this time.
Gov. Cuomo announced on March 21st that SUNY OW would be one of four locations for temporary hospitals built by the Army Corps of Engineers. Hospitals were also planned to be set up at Stony Brook University, the Jacob Javits Convention Center and the Westchester Convention Center.
On March 26th, it was announced that two commuter students at SUNY OW tested positive for COVID-19. Dr. Butts stated, “Both individuals reported the onset of symptoms this week so their exposure to members of our community was limited since we suspended classes and most activity on campus on March 11.”
The spring 2020 semester resumed on March 30th through distance learning. Many professors and students engaged in virtual class sessions through Blackboard, MS Team, and Zoom. Students without internet access were urged to check the school’s website for free internet/wi-fi resources during the pandemic. The school’s internet is also available, but the library building is closed until further notice. The library webpage notes that the electronic resources will be available 24/7.
The Army Corps of Engineers started construction on March 31th, to prepare the Clark Athletic Center and the athletic fields as temporary medical facilities. According to the USACE, the gymnasium flooring, sprinkler, plumbing, the electric install has started; and the baseball field disassembly has begun. Tent orders, nursing stations released for fabrication and patient room partitions have also been ordered. About 1,022 beds will be made available for OW.
According to the school’s coronavirus webpage, The 54th Commencement Ceremony of SUNY Old Westbury has been postponed. An announcement about a rescheduled date will be made to all members of the Class of 2020 and the campus community when available. Summer classes have not been canceled and tuition will not be refunded since the semester will continue through distance learning.
A clear timetable as to when this pandemic will be contained and fixed is uncertain at the moment. But Dr. Butts stated: “I am proud that our campus is able to step forward for the betterment of our local community in this time of dire need.”
He added: “While our athletic amenities cannot be accessed, this work is taking place far enough from our other core facilities like the Campus Center, NAB, Student Union, and residence halls that those employees deemed essential who are coming to campus now or who may need to come to campus in the days ahead are able to do so safely…. When the time is right, the campus community will be able to gather back at SUNY Old Westbury for classes, activities and more. Much may be different, but I am sure that Panther Pride will shine through in the end.”