Articles written by:

Global Media News Bounces Back!

Global Media News Bounces Back!

Still Loading: Does the Digital Divide Students? Can China Tame Animal Crossing New Horizons? Has TikTok Made the #Quarantine into a Dance Craze? Zoom Has its Problems.  Are They Yours? Don’t Stop the Music: Cloud-Clubbing in China. Sing to Me? Why Celebrities Are Streaming into Your Home. Keeping Your Distance: […]

Campus News

A Letter from the Acting Provost

Given the unprecedented circumstances we have faced together this semester, the College’s Academic Standing Policy for Spring 2020 has been modified with the following provisions which expire after the Spring 2020 semester: If a student is currently in good academic standing, letter grading outcomes in which the semester/cumulative GPA falls […]

Campus News

Immigration Historian Receives American Philosophical Society Grant

Dr. Llana Barber of the American Studies Department was recently awarded a Franklin Research Grant by the American Philosophical Society (APS) to conduct research for her project “No Refuge from Empire: Haitian Migration, Militarized Exclusion, and the Formation of the Nativist State.” The grant will support Barber’s research in Geneva and the Bahamas about […]

Media / Sports

Get in the Game-Episode 3

Sports Reporter, Marvin Argueta takes a look at the impact of COVID-19 on professional sports leagues.


Outlandish-Episode 4

Joshua finally finishes his show due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Entertainment / Media

Quarantine Watch-Episode 1

Co-Executive Editor and OWTV Intern, Jalen Michael and Alex Zepeda review Netflix content for you.


Why Not-Episode 3

Ben interviews a famous Youtuber Emplemon about his content production technique and inspiration.

feature1 / Media

Special Interview: Noam Chomsky on COVID-19 and its Impact

OWTV Intern Julie Goldsmith recently interviewed world-known linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky on COVID-19 and its impact.


Let’s Talk About It-Episode 2

Nina Crawford interviews Dr. Archer about COVID-19 and its disproportionate impacts on black, brown, and poor communities.

Campus News / Media

MALS Public Lecture Series: Semiotics of Typography by Patricia Harris

Visual Arts Professor Patricia Harris presents the “Semiotics of Typography” as part of the MALS Public Lecture Series.