
Can Spanx Be Outerwear?

Kristen Stewart came out on the Saturday Night Live stage February 4th wearing quite a risqué outfit. The Twilight star came out wearing Spanx as a dress, sending shock though the audience as well as on social media.

The 26-year-old paired her black Spanx slip with a mesh skirt on top and received massive praise for it. The confidence the celebrity felt was clearly evident as she hosted SNL for the first time. And this ego-boost was much needed for the announcement she made, “I’m like, so gay, dude,” Kristen Stewart said within the first few minutes of the show, leading to more applause.

A photo was posted of Stewart’s look on her stylist’s Tara Swennen’s page and supporters were fan girling over it, the comments included: “Great job… She looks amazing”, “This look was HEAVEN” “She slayed it!!!!! Way to go Kristen!!!!” and many other positive remarks about Stewart’s revealing outfit.

This begs the question of, is it now socially acceptable and even encouraged to wear Spanx as a dress? Priya Rao at InStyle had the following to say about this topic: “Because of the sheer and shiny materials that Spanx come in, I wouldn’t recommend doing this (though certain Kardashians would disagree). But sharper leggings and jeans do exist- they’re meant to look like regular closing, but with the added benefit of a super stretchy, comfy fit.”

Kim Kardashian was spotted showing off her Spanx under a nude bodysuit

Spanx should be worn as outwear because I believe people should be able to dress however they like. And if Kristen Stewart and Kim Kardashian feel confident walking around in their Spanx outfits than I say go for it.
