Campus News / feature3

I Love OW: Celebrating 99 Days to Commencement

Photo Credit: Victoria Van Grembergen

Attention current Old Westbury seniors: the countdown to commencement has officially begun! On Tuesday, February 14, the Center of Student Leadership and Involvement held their annual “99 Days Until Commencement” ceremony during common hour. It was open for any seniors that are planning to graduate in May or August of this year. 

This event featured many different tables that were geared towards the upcoming SUNY Old Westbury graduating class. Some of these informational tables included resources to learn more about the steps to prepare for graduating and to apply to graduate, as the March 1 deadline is quickly approaching. 

Seniors can also meet with the staff who are a part of the Career Planning and Development office, located on the second floor of the Campus Center in the H-wing, room 211. Here, students can get help from the staff in order to own their future. Some of the things they specialize in include exploring future career options, helping students strengthen their resumes and cover letters, and helping them find jobs and internships. Seniors also had the opportunity to look at and look into purchasing class rings for when they graduate, as well. 

Upon arrival at the commencement celebration, seniors were given a checklist so that they could mark off each of the tables they visited, since there were two rows of tables on each side. The last table that they were able to visit was giving away T-Shirts with “I Love OW” written on it. 

This event was a total success as many seniors and faculty members participated. Photographers were also there taking photos of the event, as well. It was a really fun ceremony to go to and it made the upcoming graduating class of SUNY Old Westbury extremely excited about what is to come next. 
