

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Donald Trump, It seems like the whole country has been wondering the same thing for the past month of your presidency: How did the racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, republican man with no experience manage to win the presidential election? Since the inauguration; which has been deemed the worst inauguration […]


Five Things to do This Spring Break

Spring break is one of the few things that college students look forward to during their spring semester. It is a week where you can forget your classes, professors, what comes next on the syllabus, etc. No one is worried about their grades or their GPA or all the other […]


“Hidden Figures” The Hidden Truth of 3 Black Women Who Worked at NASA

This feel-good drama takes us back to the 1960’s, when  segregation and sexism was authorized, and computers were not objects, but people. Prior to IBM mainframes taking over NASA, three African-American women were considered crucial computers who worked at the NASA headquarters at Hampton, Virginia. They played an important role […]


Is It Acceptable to Wear Lingerie in Public?

Lingerie has always been considered “night-time wear,” the kind of outfit you throw on to impress your significant other, but is it now socially acceptable to wear lingerie in public? Stores such as Victoria’s Secret and Forever 21 have been advertising slips as everyday wear. According to them, slips are […]


Can Spanx Be Outerwear?

Kristen Stewart came out on the Saturday Night Live stage February 4th wearing quite a risqué outfit. The Twilight star came out wearing Spanx as a dress, sending shock though the audience as well as on social media. The 26-year-old paired her black Spanx slip with a mesh skirt on […]



Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), a mid 30’s worker at the Philadelphia zoo that just happens to have dissociative identity disorder, is otherwise a functional member of society. Kevin’s disability is not visible to those who interact with him on a daily basis, and up until now none of his […]


Chance The Rapper Rises from the Underground

The 59th Annual Grammy Awards were filled with amazing fashion, performances and we finally got to see artist Chance The Rapper receive recognition for his talent. Chance, born Chancellor Bennett, was able to leave that night with two Grammy’s in hand–one Grammy for best new artist and the other for […]


Want To Unlock Your Phone With Your Face? The iPhone 8

Apple is reining in their 10 year anniversary with the release of the iPhone 8 with a twist to it. The iPhone 8 is rumored to use facial recognition technology to unlock a user phones therefore forgoing the Touch ID feature that we have seen since the 5S. The technology […]


How To Resist

On January 20th, 2017, Donald J. Trump became president of the U.S. On the same weekend, many protests started around the world in response to the new administration. Now, people in the U.S. need to be seen and heard. However, some do not consider attending demonstrations a reality. There are […]


The Home of the Homeless

Originally published on Her Campus at Old Westbury New York is my home, Lady Liberty my mother. We are the embodiment of this place. My grandmother spoke Italian, I can’t speak a bit But I understand at least a little of Spanish. My skin is white, it’s made up of […]